Finance page

Our key concepts are speed and accuracy. To this end, we at SOW Publishing will provide you with direct and accurate materials that have been tested by financially successful individuals. Most people do not have time to read a dissertation on finance and investments; they just want what works period!

Using Quicken With High Speed. We have removed the mystery out of using Quicken. We took the Menus and the Submenus with examples and show you how to use them. You will master this popular personal financial software in no time. This manual includes:

  • How to balance your checkbook.
  • How to create and monitor your budget.
  • How to manage your retirement account.
  • How to calculate mortgage and other loans.
  • How to create reports, and much more...

Using Quicken With High Speed Workbook. This manual is for school, colleges and universities. It is also for individuals who want to make sure they mastered Quicken thoroughly. The workbook includes:

  • Multiple choice questions and answers.
  • True and False questions and answers.
  • Short practice exercises.
  • Long practice exercises.

Using QuickBooks with High Speed. Most small businesses will not run their accounting departments effectively and efficiently without a powerful financial software like QuickBooks. The manual includes:

  • How to set up and manage bank accounts.
  • How to set up and manage customer accounts.
  • How to set up and manage vendor accounts.
  • How to set up your payroll accounts, and much more...

Using QuickBooks with High Speed Workbook. If you are looking for a practice manual that will increase your knowledge of QuickBooks, look no further. The workbook includes:

  • Multiple choice questions and answers.
  • True and False questions and answers.
  • Short practice exercises.
  • Long practice exercises.

Using QuickBooks Payroll with High Speed. Payroll is one those specialized subject areas employers cannot do without. It is indispensable to small business companies that payroll specialists are always in demand. The textbook is written in an easy to follow step-by-step format. Prior knowledge of payroll accounting is not required to use the textbook; anyone can learn how to run payroll with this book. The manual includes:

  • How to run a complete payroll cycle.
  • Ho to setup the company and preferences
  • How to setup payroll items and accounts
  • How to create employees and modify settings
  • Ho to complete timesheets and pay employees
  • How to pay taxes and other liabilities
  • How print reports and states and federal forms


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